
Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11, 2011

3 months, 6 days since diagnosis
day #6 of current hospital stay
days until transplant - unknown

Riker's line was, indeed the source of infection. Once the line was removed, the cultures have all come back clear. She will still be on antibiotics for 10 days but the infection is clear. Thankfully, we'll be able to put in a new line on tomorrow, and go home again on Tuesday. I'm still not sure when we'll be going to Boston but I'm just so relieved that everything is ok with Riker.

She's been so amazing through having the IVs in her hands. She cannot use her hands at all but she's been kicking her feet and waiving her arms. I'm in constant amazement of her resilience and ability to smile through it all. I love her so much. I feel like we're going to be giving her the greatest gift when she has her hands and arms back. I just cannot wait.

Odd - usually I'd be excited to give my children a material gift. Now it's the gift of time, comfort, and love. This experience really has changed me.

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